Plexilisp Reference Manual

10 Jan 2023

This is a complete reference for the Plexilisp language. It assumes a basic understanding of the PLEXIL language. Each construct in Plexilisp has at least two aliases (e.g. CommandNode and command-node). You may use whichever you prefer, or mix and match them.


This section describes the forms (constructs) that comprise PLEXIL plans.

(PlexilPlan form [ form ] ...)
(plexil-plan form [ form ] ...)

The top level form for a plan. A Plexilisp file must contain exactly one of these, and nothing else. A PlexilPlan form must contain forms in the following order. The first (optional) can be a GlobalDeclarations. The second (required) is the plan’s root node. Additional forms can only be Comment’s.

Global Declarations

(GlobalDeclarations [ decl ] ...)
(global-declarations [ decl ] ...)
(Declarations [ decl ] ...)
(declarations [ decl ] ...)

The plan’s global declarations.

(LibraryNodeDeclaration name [ interface-declaration ] ...)
(library-node-declaration name [ interface-declaration ] ...)

Declare a library node (call). Following the name may be any number of interface declarations, which are either In or InOut forms.

(StateDeclaration name type [ param ] ...)
(state-declaration name type [ param ] ...)

Declare a state (lookup), specifying its type (as a Return form) and parameters (as Parameter forms).

(CommandDeclaration name [ returns-then-parameters-then-resource-lis ] ...)
(command-declaration name [ returns-then-parameters-then-resource-lis ] ...)

Declare a command. Following the name should be zero or more Return forms, then zero or more Parameter forms, then an optional ResourceList form. They cannot be intermixed.

(Return type)
(return type)

Specify a return type. Argument must be one of ‘string’, ‘integer’, ‘array’, ‘boolean’, ‘real’ (case insensitive).

(Parameter type)
(parameter type)

Specify a parameter type. Argument must be one of ‘string’, ‘integer’, ‘array’, ‘boolean’, ‘real’ (case doesn’t matter).

Nodes and Node Types

These are the forms for defining PLEXIL nodes. It takes at least two to fully define a node. An outer form declares the node. (e.g. CommandNode), and an inner form defines the action (e.g. (command ...)). These forms must be compatible (more specifics in each entry below)

(ListNode [ name ] [ &rest ] [ node-clauses ] )
(list-node [ name ] [ &rest ] [ node-clauses ] )

Defines a List Node. Must contain a List form.

(List [ node ] ...)
(list [ node ] ...)

Required inside a ListNode, this form wraps its list of nodes.

(CommandNode [ name ] [ &rest ] [ clauses ] )
(command-node [ name ] [ &rest ] [ clauses ] )

Defines a Command Node. Must contain either a Command or CommandWithReturn form.

(Command command-name [ arg ] ...)
(command command-name [ arg ] ...)

Required inside a CommandNode, this form calls the specified command. command-name may be any string expression (literal, variable, concatenation, or lookup). If resources are specified, they must follow the command name.

(CommandWithReturn var command-name [ arg ] ...)
(command-with-return var command-name [ arg ] ...)

This is just like Command above, but a value returned from the command is assigned to the given variable, which must be declared in this node or one of its ancestors.

(UpdateNode [ name ] [ &rest ] [ clauses ] )
(update-node [ name ] [ &rest ] [ clauses ] )

Defines an Update Node. Must contain an Update form.

(Update [ pair ] ...)
(update [ pair ] ...)

Required inside an UpdateNode, this form defines the plan update.It must contain one or more Pair forms.

(Pair name value)
(pair name value)

Required inside an Update, this form defines a name/value pair.The name must be a string and the value may be any PLEXIL type.

(AssignmentNode [ name ] [ &rest ] [ clauses ] )
(assignment-node [ name ] [ &rest ] [ clauses ] )

Defines an Assignment Node. Must contain an Assignment form.

(Assignment var val)
(assignment var val)

Required inside an AssignmentNode, this form assigns a value (any PLEXIL type) to a variable that must be declared in this node or one of its ancestors.

(LibraryCallNode [ name ] [ &rest ] [ node-clauses ] )
(library-call-node [ name ] [ &rest ] [ node-clauses ] )

A Library Call Node. Must contain exactly one call form.

(Call nodeid [ aliase ] ...)
(call nodeid [ aliase ] ...)

A call to a library node.

(Alias parameter value)
(alias parameter value)

In a library node call, this pairs a parameter of the node with a value. The parameter is an ncName, and the value must be either a literal or declared variable.

(EmptyNode [ name ] [ &rest ] [ clauses ] )
(empty-node [ name ] [ &rest ] [ clauses ] )

An Empty Node.

Variable Declaration

(VariableDeclarations [ decl ] ...)
(variable-declarations [ decl ] ...)
(Variables [ decl ] ...)
(variables [ decl ] ...)
(DeclareVariables [ decl ] ...)
(declare-variables [ decl ] ...)

The node’s variable declarations. Must contain one or more of the declaration forms that follow.

(Integer name [ val ] )
(integer name [ val ] )

Declare an integer variable, with optional initial value.

(Real name [ val ] )
(real name [ val ] )

Declare a real variable, with optional initial value.

(Boolean name [ val ] )
(boolean name [ val ] )

Declare a boolean variable, with optional initial value.

(String name [ val ] )
(string name [ val ] )

Declare a string variable, with optional initial value.

(Duration name [ val ] )
(duration name [ val ] )

Declare an ISO 8601 duration variable, with optional initial value.

(Date name [ val ] )
(date name [ val ] )

Declare an ISO 8601 date variable, with optional initial value.

(IntArray name size [ value ] ...)
(int-array name size [ value ] ...)

Declare an integer array with given name, size, and initial values.

(StringArray name size [ value ] ...)
(string-array name size [ value ] ...)

Declare a string array with given name, size, and initial values.

(BooleanArray name size [ value ] ...)
(boolean-array name size [ value ] ...)

Declare a boolean array with given name, size, and initial values.

(RealArray name size [ value ] ...)
(real-array name size [ value ] ...)

Declare a real number array with given name, size, and initial values.

Node Conditions

(Postcondition exp)
(postcondition exp)

(PostCondition exp)
(post-condition exp)

(EndCondition exp)
(end-condition exp)

(ExitCondition exp)
(exit-condition exp)

(SkipCondition exp)
(skip-condition exp)

(Precondition exp)
(precondition exp)

(PreCondition exp)
(pre-condition exp)

(RepeatCondition exp)
(repeat-condition exp)

(StartCondition exp)
(start-condition exp)

(InvariantCondition exp)
(invariant-condition exp)

Variable Reference

All variable references must take one of the following forms, which specifies the name of the variable as a string. The variable is assumed to be legally declared.

(BooleanVariable name)
(boolvar name)

(IntegerVariable name)
(intvar name)

(RealVariable name)
(realvar name)

(StringVariable name)
(stringvar name)

(ArrayVariable name)
(arrayvar name)

(DateVariable name)
(datevar name)

(DurationVariable name)
(durvar name)
(durationvar name)

(ArrayElement name index)
(array-element name index)

Reference a single array element by index (beginning with 0). Name must be a string (XML NCName precisely). Index must be a numeric expression.

Interface Declaration

Plexilisp does not automatically generate any Interface declarations. They must be created explicitly with these forms.

(Interface [ decl ] ...)
(interface [ decl ] ...)

The Node’s interface. This must contain only In and InOut forms. They can be intermixed.

(In [ var ] ...)
(in [ var ] ...)

Declare input variables. Your must use the variable declaration forms defined above.

(InOut [ var ] ...)
(inout [ var ] ...)

Declare input/ouput variables. Your must use the variable declaration forms defined above.

Boolean Comparisons

These return true or false.

(= x y)
(eq x y)

(!= x y)
(ne x y)

The following work with all numeric types.

(> x y)
(gt x y)

(>= x y)
(ge x y)

(< x y)
(lt x y)

(<= x y)
(le x y)

Logical Connectives

These return true, false, or unknown.

(Or [ disjunct ] ...)
(or [ disjunct ] ...)

Permits 0 or more disjuncts. (Or) = false.

(And [ conjunct ] ...)
(and [ conjunct ] ...)

Permits 0 or more conjuncts. (And) = true.

(Not x)
(not x)

Numeric Operators

These should be self-explanatory. They work with integer or real values.

(+ x y)
(add x y)

(- x y)
(sub x y)

(* x y)
(mul x y)

(/ x y)
(div x y)

(% x y)
(mod x y)

(Max x y)
(max x y)

(Min x y)
(min x y)

(Abs x)
(abs x)

(Sqrt x)
(sqrt x)


The new form Lookup (and its variant LookupWithTolerance) is a convenient substitute for the Core PLEXIL forms LookupNow and LookupOnChange. It can be used anywhere, though note that ‘tolerance’ is valid only in gate conditions (Start, End, Repeat, Skip) and otherwise ignored.

(Lookup state [ arg ] ...)
(lookup state [ arg ] ...)

Queries for the value of the given state with given arguments.

(LookupWithTolerance state tolerance [ arg ] ...)
(lookup-with-tolerance state tolerance [ arg ] ...)

Like the above, but uses the specified tolerance. The tolerance is a real number or (name of a) real variable.

(LookupNow state [ arg ] ...)
(lookup-now state [ arg ] ...)

Queries for the value of the given state with given arguments. Valid only in node bodies and check conditions (Pre, Post, Invariant, Exit).

(LookupOnChange state [ arg ] ...)
(lookup-on-change state [ arg ] ...)

Subscribes for updates to the given state with given arguments.Valid only in gate conditions (Start, End, Repeat, Skip).

(LookupOnChangeWithTolerance state tolerance [ arg ] ...)
(lookup-on-change-with-tolerance state tolerance [ arg ] ...)

Like the above, but uses the specified tolerance. The tolerance is a real number or real variable.


Most of these are not needed, because Plexilisp automatically infers types of literals. For example, 5.5 would be a real, 5 would be an integer, “foo” a string, true and false a boolean. Date and Duration literals are a strong exception.

(IntegerValue val)
(intval val)

Integer value

(RealValue val)
(realval val)

Real value

(BooleanValue val)
(boolval val)

Valid arguments are 0, 1, and UNKNOWN. More simply, the symbols true, false, and unknown may be used instead of this form.

(StringValue str [ str ] ...)
(stringval str [ str ] ...)

Concatenates its arguments into one string. For long strings, this makes your file more readable.

(DateValue val)
(dateval val)

ISO-8601 date value

(DurationValue val)
(durationval val)
(durval val)

ISO-8601 duration value

Node State, Outcome, and Failure Type

Predicates for querying the state, outcome, and failure type of actions.

(Finished id)
(finished id)
(isFinished id)
(is-finished id)

Is the given action in state FINISHED?

(IterationEnded id)
(iteration-ended id)
(isIterationEnded id)
(is-iteration-ended id)

Is the given node in state ITERATION_ENDED?

(Executing id)
(executing id)
(isExecuting id)
(is-executing id)

Is the given action in state EXECUTING?

(Waiting id)
(waiting id)
(isWaiting id)
(is-waiting id)

Is the given action in state WAITING?

(Inactive id)
(inactive id)
(isInactive id)
(is-inactive id)

Is the given action in state INACTIVE?

(Successful id)
(successful id)
(isSuccessful id)
(is-successful id)

Did the given action finish successfully?

(IterationSuccessful id)
(iteration-successful id)

Did the last iteration of the given action finish successfully?

(IterationFailed id)
(iteration-failed id)

Did the last iteration of the given action fail?

(Failed id)
(failed id)
(isFailed id)
(is-failed id)

Did the given action fail?

(Skipped id)
(skipped id)
(isSkipped id)
(is-skipped id)

Was the given action skipped?

(InvariantFailed id)
(invariant-failed id)

Did the invariant condition of the given action fail?

(PostConditionFailed id)
(PostconditionFailed id)
(postcondition-failed id)
(post-condition-failed id)

Did the postcondition of the given action fail?

(PreConditionFailed id)
(PreconditionFailed id)
(precondition-failed id)
(pre-condition-failed id)

Did the precondition of the given action fail?

(ParentFailed id)
(parent-failed id)

Did the parent of the given action fail?

Conditionals and Loops

These are high level syntax extensions of PLEXIL (syntactic sugar). They expand into node structures.

(If condition then-part [ else-part ] )
(if condition then-part [ else-part ] )

If-then-else. The then-part and else-part may be nodes or other actions. The else-part is optional.

(While condition action)
(while condition action)

While loop.

(for declaration condition update action)
(For declaration condition update action)

For Loop. The declaration should look like a variable declaration. i.e (type name [init]), where type must be either integer or real and the initial value init is optional (though generally useful). condition is a boolean expression that will terminate the loop when it is false. update is a numeric expression that expresses a new value for the declared variable.

(Sequence [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )
(sequence [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )

Each action starts after the previous succeeds. If an action fails, the sequence terminates immediately with failure.

(UncheckedSequence [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )
(unchecked-sequence [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )

Each action starts after the previous finishes, regardless of success or failure.

(Concurrence [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )
(concurrence [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )
(Concurrently [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )
(concurrently [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )

Executes forms concurrently. Basically a List node.

(Try [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )
(try [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )

Executes actions sequentially, stopping after the an action succeeds. Fails if and only if no action succeeds.

(OnMessage message [ action ] )
(on-message message [ action ] )

Specifies an action for responding to a given message (string).

(OnCommand command-name arg-decls [ action ] )
(on-command command-name arg-decls [ action ] )

Specifies an action for responding to a given command. command-name must be a string, arg-decls a list of variable declarations (e.g., (real “x”) (integer “y”) (boolean “z”) (real-array “m” 4), etc.). If this is action should return a value, send it using the command SendReturnValue. See the Plexil manual ( for more information.

Special Purpose Nodes

These forms expand into nodes that perform convenient functions.

(Action name [ form ] ...)
(action name [ form ] ...)

Specifies any kind of action. The specified forms can include any node clauses (except NodeId, which is given by name, as well as any number of actions. The actions form the body of the generated List Node.

(Nothing ``)
(nothing ``)

An action that does nothing. This becomes an anonymous empty node.

(When condition action [ action ] ...)
(when condition action [ action ] ...)

Executes actions (concurrently) when condition becomes true. This is essentially a monitor.

(Wait units [ name ] )
(wait units [ name ] )

Waits given number of time units.

(WaitWithTolerance units tolerance [ name ] )
(wait-with-tolerance units tolerance [ name ] )

Waits given number of time units with given tolerance.

(SynchronousCommand [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )
(synchronous-command [ name-or-first-form ] [ &rest ] [ forms ] )

The Synchronous Command action, which waits for its return value or status handle

(timeout exp)
(Timeout exp)

Specify a timeout clause, whose argument should be a numeric expression.

(tolerance exp)
(Tolerance exp)

Specify a tolerance value, whose argument should be a real number or variable.

(let vars form [ form ] ...)
(Let vars form [ form ] ...)

Declares variables that are lexically scoped to the enclosing forms, similar to LET in Lisp.

Resource Clauses

(ResourceList [ resource ] ...)
(resource-list [ resource ] ...)
(Resources [ resource ] ...)
(resources [ resource ] ...)

List of Resource specifications.

(Resource name priority [ upper-bound-clause ] )
(resource name priority [ upper-bound-clause ] )

A Resource specification. Name and priority are required. An optional ResourceUpperBound or resource-upper-bound may be supplied.

(ResourceUpperBound x)
(resource-upper-bound x)

A resource upper bound.

Miscellaneous Node Clauses

(NodeComment [ sentence ] ...)
(node-comment [ sentence ] ...)

A comment for the node. (The sentences will be concatenated.)

(Permissions p)
(permissions p)

The node’s permissions.

(Comment [ sentence ] ...)
(comment [ sentence ] ...)

This creates a comment in the XML, and may occur in any number within a node. It is useful for commenting your plan in a way that will also be reflected in the XML.

Miscellaneous Expressions

(Concat [ expr ] ...)
(concat [ expr ] ...)

A string expression is either a string literal, StringValue expression, string variable, lookup, or another Concat expression. The Concat form takes 0 or more of these and returns a string that is the concatenation of the evaluated expressions. Concat() is the empty string. Concat(x) = x

(TimepointValue nodeid node-state-value timepoint)
(timepoint-value nodeid node-state-value timepoint)

Returns the amount of time since the specified state of the specified node has either started or ended. node-state-value must be one of INACTIVE, WAITING, FINISHED, ITERATION_ENDED, EXECUTING, FAILING, FINISHING. Timepoint must be one of START, END.

(StartTime nodeid)
(start-time nodeid)

Time when given node started executing.

(EndTime nodeid)
(end-time nodeid)

Time when given node stopped executing.

(PendingStart nodeid)
(pending-start nodeid)

Did the given node started executing?

(PendingEnd nodeid)
(pending-end nodeid)

Did the given node finish?

(NodeState nodeid)
(node-state nodeid)

Specifies the state of the node with the given ID.

(NodeOutcome nodeid)
(node-outcome nodeid)

Specifies the outcome of the node with the given ID.

(isKnown v)
(IsKnown v)
(is-known v)

Returns true or false depending on whether the value of the given declared variable, node state variable, node outcome variable, or node timepoint value is known.

(starts-after-start d1 d2 id)
(StartsAfterStart d1 d2 id)

A boolean expression stating a start time that is [d1 d2] after the start of action named ID.

(current-time ``)
(CurrentTime ``)

Lookup the time.

PLEXIL Simulation Script

This section describes the forms (constructs) that comprise simulation .scripts, which are used to test plans with the PLEXIL Test Executive.

(PlexilScript [ form ] ...)
(plexil-script [ form ] ...)

The top level form for a script. A script must contain exactly one of these, and nothing else.

(InitialState [ form ] ...)
(initial-state [ form ] ...)

Defines the initial state section of the script, which is optional. It consists of State forms.

(Script [ form ] ...)
(script [ form ] ...)

Defines the “script” section of the script, which is required. It consists of any of the following forms.

NOTE: In the following 5 forms that have a value or result argument, the argument may be either a single value or a list of values. The list must not be quoted, e.g. (1 2 3). A list indicates that that return value or result is an array. Its elements must all be of the same type. For boolean arrays, you must use 0 and 1 for true and false, respectively.

(State name type value [ param ] ...)
(state name type value [ param ] ...)

Sets the state of given name and type and parameters to the given value(s).

(CommandAck name type result [ param ] ...)
(command-ack name type result [ param ] ...)

Acknowledges the named command with given parameters, returning the given result(s) of given type.

(Command name type result [ param ] ...)
(command name type result [ param ] ...)

Simulates the completion of the named command with given parameters returning the given result(s) of given type.

(CommandAbort name type result [ param ] ...)
(command-abort name type result [ param ] ...)

Simulates the abort of the named command with given parameters returning the given result(s) of given type.

(Param value [ type ] )
(param value [ type ] )

Defines a parameter value, with optional type.

(ParamString str [ str ] ...)
(param-string str [ str ] ...)

Like the above, but useful for long strings (they are concatenated).

(UpdateAck name)
(update-ack name)

Acknowledges a plan update.

(Simultaneous [ form ] ...)
(simultaneous [ form ] ...)

Wraps script actions that should occur simultaneously.

(Comment [ sentence ] ...)
(comment [ sentence ] ...)

This creates a comment in the XML, and may occur in any number within a script. It is useful for commenting your script in a way that will also be reflected in the XML.

Simulation Script Shortcuts

This section describes various shortcuts for simulation scripts. They each expand into some combination of the forms in the previous section.

(CommandSuccess name [ param ] ...)
(command-success name [ param ] ...)

Sends a COMMAND_SUCCESS handle for the given command invocation. NOTE: If your plan is awaiting a return value from the command itself, you must return this (using the Command form) before this handle.