Plan Persistence and Checkpoints¶
Apr 7, 2021
This chapter describes PLEXIL’s Checkpoint Adapter, available for inclusion in any PLEXIL plan.
The Checkpoint Adapter enables plan persistence by allowing plans to set and read “checkpoints” (identified by a String name), which contain the state (true/false/Unknown (if not set)), the last modified time (as a Real), and a user-set information String.
Checkpoints are associated with a boot - that is, if the plan were to set a checkpoint “abc” to true, it would be associated with Boot 0. If the executive were to crash or shut down, all checkpoints are “promoted” by one boot - “abc” would now be true in Boot 1 and Unknown in Boot 0.
Metadata about each boot and the number of boots is also saved. This includes time of boot, time of last save, and an is_ok flag. Boots (and checkpoints associated with the boot) other than Boot 0 (current boot) are not modifiable other than the is_ok variable.
Further, the total number of boots ever recorded, the number of boots accessible to the executive, and the number of boots with is_ok=false are available through Lookups. The number of accessible boots may not always be the same as the total number of boots if using a SaveManager other than SimpleSaveManager.
The save management strategy can be modified by extending SaveManager. The only current implementation, SimpleSaveManager, stores all previous boots and writes to disk on every command sent to CheckpointAdapter.
Any command or lookup which has an incorrect number of arguments prints an error message to cerr and returns Unknown.
The adapter will use the same time adapter available to the plan. If that adapter can’t handle the time lookup or returns Unknown, any time-dependent values will be set to Unknown.
If the adapter is included in the configuration file, all lookups and commands will be available to the plan, and startup/shutdown behavior is enabled(as described below in Options).
An example configuration follows:
<Adapter AdapterType="CheckpointAdapter">
<SaveConfiguration Directory="./saves"
<AdapterConfiguration OKOnExit="true"
UseTime="true" />
The adapter has multiple settings which can be modified in the interface configuration file. See the example in examples/checkpoints for the exact layout.
OKOnExit: Whether is_ok is set to true for the current boot when the executive exit normally. It is not recommended to set this without also setting FlushOnExit.
Default: "True"
FlushOnStart: Whether a flush is called at startup to make sure every boot is logged
Default: "True"
FlushOnExit: Whether checkpoint data/is_ok/last_save_time is flushed to disk on exit
Default: "True"
UseTime: Whether the checkpoint system attempts to find and use a time adapter. This is useful because if an adapter registered to handle time isn't found, the PLEXIL interface manager returns the default adapter as the "time" adapter. Attempting to use this anyway will result in slightly reduced performance and potentially a large number of warnings (the CheckpointAdapter will continue to function, however).
Default: "True"
Directory: The directory in which saves (in the form x_save.xml or x_save.part) are saved
Default: "./saves"
RemoveOldSaves: If false, older saves aren't deleted as new ones are added. If true, a maximum of two save files will be maintained. This can be useful in testing and debugging.
Defailt: "True"
NOTE: All attributes of SaveConfiguration are sent to the SaveManager, so different implementations may have a larger set of configuration options
API Reference¶
The Lookups are as follows:
Integer NumberOfTotalBoots () //Returns the total number of boots ever logged
Integer NumberOfAccessibleBoots () //Returns number of boot entries available to the plan
Integer NumberOfUnhandledBoots () //Returns number of boot entries which are not marked as is_ok
Boolean DidCrash() // Returns true if IsOK(1)==false, false otherwise.
// A true value indicates that the executive shut down without setting is_ok
// If a lookup attempts to query a boot that doesn't exist, Unknown is returned
Boolean IsBootOK ( Integer boot=0 ) //Returns the is_ok flag in the selected boot, which starts off as false when the boot begins and may be affected by the OKOnExit configuration
Integer TimeOfBoot ( Integer boot=0 ) //Returns the time that CheckpointAdapter.start() is called by the interface adapter, Unknown if time not available
Integer TimeOfLastSave ( Integer boot=0 ) //Returns the time of the last save to disk
// If a lookup attempts to query a checkpoint that doesn't exist, Unknown is returned
Boolean CheckpointState ( String name, Integer boot=0 ) // If checkpoint not set, Unknown
Real CheckpointTime ( String name, Integer boot=0 ) //Returns last modified time,
String CheckpointInfo ( String name, Integer boot=0 ) // User defined string
Integer CheckpointWhen( String name ) //Return the most recent boot number where the checkpoint has been set, Unknown if none
The Commands are as follows:
// All commands return handle RECEIVED_BY_SYSTEM when subsequent lookups will return the new value, and COMMAND_SUCCESS when the change is saved to persistent memory.
// Note that as no guarantees are made about when the changes from set_boot_ok and set_checkpoint will be saved to persistent memory other than via the flush_checkpoints command, so using them with SynchronousCommand is highly discouraged
// Also note that some characters aren't handled by pugixml which SimpleSaveManager uses - for example, using "|" (pipe) in the info string leads to runtime errors
Integer set_boot_ok(Boolean state=True, Integer boot=0 ) //Sets IsOK, returns previous value
Boolean set_checkpoint( String name, Boolean value=true, String info="") //Overrides any existing checkpoint, returns the previous state of the checkpoint (Unknown if checkpoint did not exist)
Boolean flush_checkpoints() //Flushes all changes (including set_boot_ok) to disk
The Checkpoint Adapter consists of three major components – the adapter itself, the underlying checkpoint system, and the save manager. The adapter receives commands from the PLEXIL executive, replaces missing arguments with their default values, and calls the appropriate function in the checkpoint system. The checkpoint system maintains a data structure that tracks checkpoints and boots. After each command is processed, it indicates to the adapter that the command has been received and. The save manager can view the data structure maintained by the checkpoint system and is responsible for writing to persistent memory.
There are no constraints on when the save manager will write to persistent memory other than during a Flush command, making the checkpoint adapter flexible for use in different environments. A diagram of the adapter is pictured below.

If a different saving strategy is desired, this can be done by extending the SaveManager class and changing which SaveManager is used in CheckpointSystem.hh
The checkpoint adapter currently resides in plexil/examples/checkpoint
In the checkpoint adapter directory there are a number of tests, including a general usage test described in the README, and a fuzz-like test of the SaveManager implementation in the testing directory. It is encouraged to run the fuzz-like test for a sufficiently long time if a different SaveManager extension is implemented.