UDP Adapter

20 May 2015

UDP Adapter User’s Guide

The UDP Adapter gives access to UDP messages/commands in PLEXIL plans.

There is a working example which uses the UdpAdapter in plexil/examples/multi-exec/udp. This example illustrates how to configure and load the UdpAdapter (udp.xml) and how to use it in the example plans (test-recv.ple and test-send.ple).

Working Example Code

plexil/examples/multi-exec/udp contains some useful UdpAdapter code. This code illustrates both how to use the UdpAdapater, plus some useful idioms for asynchronous communications in Plexil.

UdpAdapter Demo

Here follows a brief description of how to run the UdpAdapter demonstration.

% make
% cd examples/multi-exec/udp
% make demo

This will make sure that the PLEXIL Executive and its supporting programs and libraries are built, that the two test plans (test-recv.ple and test-send.ple) are compiled, and will call the run-agents script to run them.

The output produced by running this demo is intended to help the user gain an understanding of both what Plexil is doing, and what the UdpAdapter is doing. Time spent understanding this output will be well spent.

This directory also demonstrates all of the pieces required to send and receive UDP messages/commands via the UdpAdapter (for either single or multi-agent systems):

  1. One or more plans which use Command and OnCommand nodes to send and receive UDP messages/commands, in this case those plans are test-send.ple and test-recv.pde respectively.

  2. One or more interface configuration files which tell the universalexec which adapters to use, in this case the UdpAdapter, and what messages/commands can be used in the plans. In this example, the configuration file is udp.xml, and in this case, both plans use the same configuration file since they exchange only a small number of UDP messages/commands (test_udp_msg, ack_msg, and quit_msg).

  3. Finally, there is an optional debugging output configuration file which the universalexec uses to control the its own internal debugging output. Note that this is separate from the debugging output produced by the plans, and that produced by the UdpAdapter.

Once all of these are in place, the plans can be run and their behavior inspected. This can be done, as described above, via the demo makefile target, or by compiling and running the plans by hand. Note that to run a multi-agent system like this, you will either have to use more than one shell window or put one of the agents into the background. This is all handled conveniently by the demo makefile target and by the run-agents script in plexil/scripts.

For example, using two shells, in the first shell:

% cd plexil/examples/multi-exec/udp
% plexilc test-recv.ple
% plexilexec -p test-recv.plx -c udp.xml

and in the second shell:

% cd plexil/examples/multi-exec/udp
% plexilc test-send.ple
% plexilexec -p test-send.plx -c udp.xml

The test-send.plx plan/agent will send a UDP message to the test-recv.plx plan/agent, and both will exit when done.

The same thing can also conveniently be achieved with the run-agents script (assuming you put plexil/scripts and plexil/bin in your path):

% cd plexil/examples/multi-exec/udp
% run-agents test-recv -c udp.xml test-send -c udp.xml

Debugging Output

The output produced by these demonstration plans is well worth the effort it takes to understand what the system is doing. The amount of debugging output can be affected in the usual way, via the Debug.cfg file, which has several useful keywords in it which can be commented in to provide a fair amount of additional output. In addition, for the purposes of demonstration, some of the very low level UDP machinery debugging is turned on for the benefit of new users. To turn this low level debugging off, change the debug="true" attribute of the <Adapter AdapterType="UdpAdapter"/> element in the adapter configuration udp.xml file to debug="false".

Asynchronous Communication Idioms

The demonstration plans illustrate several useful asynchronous communication idioms, including idioms for

  1. open loop communications (SendUdpCommand1, SendQuitCommand, HandleQuitMessage)

  2. closed loop communications (SendUdpCommand2, SendCommandAck, HandleAck)

  3. timeouts (WaitForTimeoutOrCommand, HandleTimeout

  4. multiple messages in a single handler (HandleCommand)

  5. successful execution of “planned” failures (WaitForTimeoutOrCommand)

These idioms are demonstrated by the following makefile targets in the demo subdirectory:

% cd plexil/examples/multi-exec/udp
% make demo
% make timeout1
% make timeout2

The demo target demonstrates both open and closed loop idioms, and multiple messages in a single handler. The timeout1 and timeout2 targets demonstrate timeouts and planned failures. Again, it is worth reading and understanding the output of these demos and the plans they arise from.

UDP Message Definition

For any given plan, all of the UDP commands/messages that can be used therein with the UdpAdapter must be defined in the Plexil XML communication configuration file. For the UdpAdapter, this file declares:

  • the adapter itself: <Adapter AdapterType="UdpAdapter"/>, including

    • the required adapter type: AdapterType="UdpAdapter"

    • one optional default remote peer: default_peer="remote.host.ip"

    • one optional default remote port: default_peer_port="8031"

    • one optional default local port: default_local_port="9876"

    • an optional “debug” flag to turn on some internal UdpAdapter debugging output: debug="true"

  • each of the messages/commands of interest: <Message name="acfs_state"/>, including

    • a required name (which must match the name given in the plan): name="ack_msg"

    • an optional remote peer: peer="remote.host.ip"

    • an optional remote port: peer_port="8031"

    • an optional local port: local_port="9874"

  • one or more optional message/command specifications, including

    • a required type: type="<type>" attribute, where <type> := int | float | bool | string | int-array | float-arry | bool-array | string-array

    • a required element encoding length in bytes: bytes="<n>" where := 1 | 2 | 4 | <n>, depending on the type (see below),

    • for arrays, a required array length attribute: elements="<n>", which <n> is the number of elements in the array,

    • an optional parameter description: desc="blah"

For example:

 <Adapter AdapterType="Utility"/>
 <Adapter AdapterType="OSNativeTime"/>
 <Adapter AdapterType="UdpAdapter" debug="true" default_local_port="9876" default_peer_port="9876">
   <Message name="test_udp_msg" local_port="8032" peer_port="8032">
     <Parameter type="string" bytes="3" desc="message id"/>
     <Parameter type="bool" bytes="1" desc="send ack flag"/>
     <Parameter type="int" bytes="4" desc="num_widgets"/>
     <Parameter type="float" bytes="4" desc="arg4"/>
     <Parameter type="int-array" elements="3" bytes="2" desc="16 bit ints"/>
     <Parameter type="float-array" elements="3" bytes="4" desc="32 bit floats"/>
     <Parameter type="bool-array" elements="3" bytes="1"/>
     <Parameter type="string-array" elements="3" bytes="3"/>
   <Message name="ack_msg" local_port="8033" peer_port="8033">
     <Parameter type="string" bytes="4"/>
   <Message name="quit_msg" local_port="8034" peer_port="8034">
     <Parameter type="string" bytes="4"/>

For any message/command to be received by OnCommand, either the default_local_port or the local_port must be defined, with the local_port taking precedence. Similarly, for any message/command to be sent, either the default_peer or peer and either the default_peer_port or peer_port must be defined, with the more specific <Parameter/> setting taking precedence. As a last resort, if neither default_peer nor peer are defined, “localhost” will be used.

Unfortunately, there is at this time no way to represent this information directly in the plan, which means that the plan can not reason about which port to use or which message to send or receive. This limitation must be kept in mind with writing plans.

Note that the there is no such thing as an “empty” UDP message. In UDP, there is only content, which is to say that a if you set up a socket to listen for zero bytes – a “content free” message – the listener will simply succeed immediately, which is unlikely to be what you want. The simplest convention to use for “content free” messages is simply to send the name of the message as its one and only string parameter, e.g.,

Command quit("quit");

and receive it in a similar way, e.g.,

OnCommand quit(String msgName);

Plexil and UDP Data Types

The mapping between internal Plexil types and external types is this:

Plexil name

C++ type


Length in Bytes


double (64 bits)

32 bit floats



int32_t (32 bits)

32, 16, or 8 bit integers

4, 2, or 1


bool (8 bits)

32, 16, or 8 bit booleans (integers)

4, 2, or 1




n > 0

Plexil’s type system is a little lean. In particular, this means that bitfields are a bit tricky, therefore we are not trying to support bit fields of any sort, including single bit booleans. The smallest “boolean” we can send or receive in Plexil is a 8 bit integer.

These are parsed and checked at configuration file read time by UdpAdapter::parseXmlMessageDefinitions.

Note that strings are fixed size for transport, but that that fixed length is in effect the maximum size of the string. At encoding time, all of the characters given will be encoded up to the size in bytes given in the configuration file. If fewer characters are specified in the plan than the maximum number in the configuration file, only those characters given will be put in the outgoing buffer. Since the outgoing buffer is zeroed out before use, this means that the any remain unused slots in the buffer will simply have NULLs in them, making the shorter-than-maximum length strings “C” strings. At decoding time, the decoder will read characters out of the string until either it has read the maximum number of characters declared in the configuration file, or until it encounters a NULL. Either way, the resulting string is what is “received” by Plexil. This “feature” is demonstrated in the example code in examples/multi-exec/udp.

Using UDP Messages/Commands in a Plexil Plan

The UdpAdapter uses the Plexil Command interface to send UDP messages, and the OnCommand interface to set up a listener for incoming UDP messages. This interface follows the example of the IpcAdapter for usage.

Once a UDP message has been defined in the XML configuration file (see above), it can be used either to send or to receive that message. In the following examples, we will be using a simpler definition of test_udp_msg, which is given here:

 <Adapter AdapterType="Utility"/>
 <Adapter AdapterType="OSNativeTime"/>
 <Adapter AdapterType="UdpAdapter" debug="true" default_local_port="9876" default_peer_port="9876">
  <Message name="test_udp_msg" local_port="8032" peer_port="8032">
   <Parameter type="string" bytes="3" desc="message id"/>
   <Parameter type="bool" bytes="1" desc="send ack flag"/>
   <Parameter type="int" bytes="4" desc="num_widgets"/>
   <Parameter type="float" bytes="4" desc="arg4"/>

The Command Interface

The Command interface is used to send a UDP message. For example, for the definition of test_udp_msg immediately above, the test_udp_msg command can be called thus:

Command test_udp_msg ("UDP", false, 3, 3.14159);

or, assuming that all of the appropriate variables have been defined and populated, like this:

Command test_udp_msg (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);

All of the usual Plexil language idioms and restrictions apply. For example, using “-” instead of “_” in the message name will fail during translation if you are using Standard PLEXIL.

The OnCommand Interface

The OnCommand interface works in a similar manner. For example, given the message definition above, the handler for a test_udp_msg command can be invoked thus:

OnCommand test_udp_msg (String arg1, Boolean arg2, Integer arg3, Real arg4);

However, note that all of the arguments to the given command must be declared locally as the argument to the OnCommand node itself, as in the example above. Again, this restriction is related to the PlexilParser version 0.4 and may not apply to later parsers. The practical consequence of this restriction is that if any of these received values are to be used outside of the OnCommand node, they will have to be passed via Assignment nodes.

Note that at the present time (8/30/11), neither plexilc nor PlexilCompiler support arrays in the OnCommand interface.

Complete Send and Receive Example Plans

For convenience, complete working examples of sending and receiving plans are given here. The print command in each is used for debugging output and to make what the plans are doing easier to comprehend. Note that the print command is defined in the Utility adapter. Also note that the versions of the plan given here may not match those in plexil/examples/multi-exec/udp – those plans may include additional types and test code.

Using the definition of test_udp_msg given above:


  OnCommand test_udp_msg (String arg1, Boolean arg2, Integer arg3, Real arg4)
    Command print ("\ntest-recv: arg1==", arg1, ", arg2==", arg2, ", arg3==", arg3, ", arg4==", arg4, "\n\n");


  String arg1 = "UDP";
  Boolean arg2 = false;
  Integer arg3 = 3;
  Real arg4 = 3.14159;
     Command print ("\ntest-send: arg1==", arg1, ", arg2==", arg2, ", arg3==", arg3, ", arg4==", arg4, "\n\n");
     Command test_udp_msg (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); // Send the UDP message

There are similar, though more interesting demonstration plans in plexil/examples/multi-exec/udp, which illustrate both this basic functionality plus some other useful idioms for timing out, closed loop communications, and so on.

Outstanding Issues

InvokeAbort Timing vs Multi-Node Translation

In testing, we find that if we send a multi-parameter message followed immediately by another message which breaks the InvariantCondition of the receiver of the first message, that invokeAbort is being called while the multi-node expansion of the receive while it is still processing parameters (i.e., the GetParameter nodes). That is, since the multi-node expansion of OnCommand is not and atomic action, race conditions inherently exist therein. This causes a run-time error at the moment (invokeAbort requires that it only be called on ReceiveCommand, which is not atomic), and it is not at all clear to me now this should be handled. It may be that this is a fundamental problem with the multi-node expansions which has simply never been tested in the past, or it may be simply that the UdpAdapter isn’t yet sophisticated enough to handle this boundary condition. This needs further thought and discussion, and really should be tested on the IpcAdapter.

Fixed Length UDP Messages

For a start, all messages are fixed length. Among the features that one might want to add are:

  1. A wrapper UDP buffer which includes both some sort of data definition and the data itself, and, perhaps,

  2. NULL terminated “C” strings.

In the mean time, arrays can be flattened to sequences of vectors and strings can be given maximum length.

One UDP Listener per Incoming Message

At present, each OnCommand node sets up a UDP listener on its own thread which waits for a UDP message on the given port. This means that only one listener can be active on any given port at any given time. As mentioned elsewhere, since none of the host or port information can be represented in the plan, this may mean some careful planning and overlapping message definitions in the configuration file if more than one listener is needed for a given message at a time.

There are at least two possible solutions, both of which should probably be implemented eventually.

  1. Host and ports should be representable in the plans, which would allow for a lot of flexibility for both sending and receiving messages, and

  2. For situations where more than one incoming message is expected on a single port, it is possible to set up a single UDP listener loop which receives multiple messages on a single port and dispatches them appropriately.

At present, neither of these is designed or implemented.

Low Level Error Codes vs Plan Nodes

At present, there is no good way to communicate low level errors up to the plan level. For example, if a UDP message is declared to use port 8031 and that port is for some reason unavailable, the low level call to bind() will return -1, and will be unable to receive anything. At present, this causes an assert to fail, which is rather heavy handed, but maybe less obscure than returning bogus data after a warning message.

A similar situation exists when a plan tries to send a quantity that can’t be represented in 32 bits. There is no way currently for the UdpAdapter to notify the exec that something un-reasonable is happening. At present, this limit checking is not yet implemented, but even when it is, all that can be done for now is to fail an assert.

IpcAdapter vs UdpAdapter

Should one be able to use both at the same time? Unlikely to work for some things, e.g., both use ReceiveCommand internally.

OnCommand vs the XML Configuration Definitions

If the planner is not careful to make the number (and type) of the parameters defined in the config file for a message/command and command as it is used in the plan match, it can only be caught in a very heavy handed way at run time using assert. We have taken this approach in the hope that bad plans will be caught during development and fixed prior to run time deployment. This is not ideal, but at least it does fit into the general Plexil approach.

At run time, the OnCommand node starts with only a single argument passed to executeCommand, regardless of the number of parameters defined in the config file. This is of course one of the consequences of the Plexil policy of “one parameter at a time for commands” in Plexil which is further enforced by the ep2cp process, which translates the OnCommand node specified by the planner into a sequence of low level Plexil nodes, including one for each parameter (the GetParameter nodes), the SendReturnValue node, and so on. As a consequence of this, if the planner has used too many parameters for a particular OnCommand, it can only be discovered at run time and handled by and assert. It is also possible to detect too few parameters; the unused parameters simply go unused.