The Application Framework¶
21 May 2015
This section gives a high-level overview of the PLEXIL Application Framework.
The core of the PLEXIL Executive is general and abstract by design. No top-level loop is provided, nor are any interfaces to external systems implemented in the core.
The PLEXIL application framework provides these essential
capabilities. The framework consists of the ExecApplication
and AdapterConfiguration
classes, the
executable application, and associated abstract base
classes for external interfacing. Finally, a small library of essential
interface adapter classes is provided.
This application framework is intended to support a wide range of uses with little or no custom code. However, some applications may require the developer to implement a custom framework. This is beyond the scope of this document. Please contact the PLEXIL team if you have such an application.
The following diagram illustrates the main classes of the application framework. Some of these classes are described in more detail in the remainder of this chapter.

The universalExec Application¶
The universalExec
application is a flexible main program for
applications of the PLEXIL Executive which have straightforward
interfacing requirements. Interfaces can be specified at startup time by
an interface configuration file.
The universalExec
application is comprised of the following:
The PlexilExec class, which implements the core plan execution logic of the Executive;
The AdapterConfiguration class, responsible for routing interface requests to the appropriate interface adapter;
The InterfaceManager class, which implements the high-level external interface required by the Executive core;
The ExecApplication class, responsible for startup, shutdown, and (where appropriate) threading;
A small
program to parse the command line, set up the framework, start execution, wait for execution to end, and clean up at exit.
The source code of the universalExec
application is in the directory
in the PLEXIL distribution. For
applications needing more control over initialization and shutdown, the
source code in this directory can be used as a template.
The universalExec
requires additional interfacing code to perform
any useful tasks. On Unix-like systems (e.g. Linux, Mac OS X) an adapter
for OS time services is included in the distribution. This is not yet
implemented for other systems.
Adapters, Listeners, and Listener Filters¶
Users can interface the Executive to a wide variety of external systems through the APIs defined by the abstract base classes InterfaceAdapter, ExecListener, and ExecListenerFilter
Interface adapters serve as intermediaries between the InterfaceManager instance and the outside world. They direct commands, lookup requests, and planner updates to the appropriate external modules or devices, and translate their results back into the internal representations.
Exec listeners report on state changes within the Executive which may be of interest to outside observers. Optional exec listener filters can select the events to report.
The Lifecycle Model¶
The PLEXIL application framework divides the application and interface lifecycle into several phases. The ExecApplication class manages the phases as follows.
This is the state that applies to the application immediately upon startup.
Upon completion of ExecApplication::initialize()
, the exec and all
interfaces have been constructed and initialized, but not yet activated.
Upon completion of ExecApplication::startInterfaces()
, interfaces
have been started, but the executive is not running.
The application can also enter this state from the Running state.
After calling ExecApplication::run()
, or after
if the application had been suspended,
all interfaces are active and the exec is executing plans.
A Running application can be paused - temporarily halting execution, but
leaving interfaces up - by calling ExecApplication::suspend()
, at
which point it reverts to the Ready state.
Calling ExecApplication::stop()
halts plan execution and deactivates
the interfaces.
To restart the application from this state, calling
will return the application to the
Initialized state.
After calling ExecApplication::shutdown()
, the exec and all
interfaces have been disabled and potentially deleted. The application
is finished.
Concrete Classes¶
These are the predefined classes which establish the PLEXIL Application Framework.
The concrete class PlexilExec
is the engine responsible for
executing plans and evaluating expressions. There should be little
reason for any developer to access it directly, beyond instantiating it.
The concrete class AdapterConfiguration
provides facilities to load,
query, and modify the mapping of commands, lookups, and planner updates
to interface adapters, and to load, query, and modify the list of exec
listeners. It implements abstract factories for adapters and
In the PLEXIL Executive and many applications
derived from the framework, the AdapterConfiguration
instance is
responsible for loading configuration data from the interface configuration file, and using the
abstract factories to construct the adapters and listeners.
In other applications, a user-defined program can construct adapter and
listener objects as required, and configure routing to them through
imperative AdapterConfiguration
method calls.
The concrete class InterfaceManager
takes the requests for commands,
lookups, and planner updates from the PlexilExec
instance, queries
the AdapterConfiguration
instance for routing information, sends
them to the appropriate Interface adapters, and enqueues the results for
use by the PlexilExec
The ExecApplication
class implements the essential features
necessary for a PLEXIL application, and implements a top-level loop,
including optional multithreaded operations for platforms with
POSIX-compliant threading facilities (pthreads).
Abstract Base Classes¶
The PLEXIL Application Framework defines the external interface API via two abstract base classes, InterfaceAdapter and ExecListener. A third abstract base class, ExecListenerFilter, defines an API for ExecListener instances to selectively filter their reporting.
An interface adapter is responsible for taking the command, lookup, or planner update call from the InterfaceManager instance, and communicating that to the world outside the Executive.
An exec listener notifies the outside world of an internal state change in the Executive, e.g. a node state transition, a variable assignment, or loading of a plan or library, with optional user-definable filtering.
An exec listener filter determines whether the associated exec listener instance should report or ignore a particular event.
Users may define classes derived from all three abstract base classes to implement an application’s external interfaces.
The abstract base class InterfaceAdapter
defines the API for
adapters connecting an InterfaceManager
instance to systems and
modules external to the Plexil Executive. Instances of classes derived
from InterfaceAdapter
can be associated with specific commands,
functions, and lookups by name, and these associations can be changed at
run time, through the AdapterConfiguration
The abstract base class ExecListener
defines the API for reporting
internal events of potential significance to the outside world. It can
The abstract base class ExecListenerFilter
defines the API for
selecting the events an exec listener instance will report.