Non-Unary ResourcesΒΆ

26 Jan 2023

This example, which can be found in plexil/examples/resources/resource2.ple, differs from the unary resource example in that sys_memory is allocated in fractional amounts, rather than as a whole. This is indicated by the keyword UpperBound in the resource usage specification. (If UpperBound is not supplied, the requested amount defaults to 1.0.)

In this example,

  • Node C1 command c1 requires arm and 0.5 of sys_memory at priority 20

  • Node C2 command c2 requires 0.3 of sys_memory at priority 30

  • Node C3 command c3 requires vision_system at priority 10

The file plexil/examples/resources/ specifies that 1.0 units of each resource are available.

%Contains the resource hierarchy
% name initial-resource [child-weight child-name]*
arm 1.0
sys_memory 1.0
vision_system 1.0

As in the previous example, all 3 nodes and their respective commands are eligible to execute concurrently.

The resulting outcome will be to accept all the commands since the cumulative memory requirements of C1 and C2 is less than 1.0.


The PLEXIL plan is shown below:

Integer Command c1;
Integer Command c2;
Integer Command c3;

  C1: {
    Integer returnValue = -1;
    EndCondition returnValue == 10;
    PostCondition C1.command_handle == COMMAND_SUCCESS;
    Resource Name = "sys_memory",
      UpperBound = 0.5,
      Priority = 20;
    Resource Name = "arm",
      Priority = 20;
    returnValue = c1();
  C2: {
    Integer mem_priority = 30;
    Integer returnValue = -1;
    RepeatCondition C2.command_handle == COMMAND_DENIED;
    PostCondition C2.command_handle == COMMAND_SUCCESS;
    EndCondition returnValue == 10;
    Resource Name = "sys_memory",
      UpperBound = 0.3,
      Priority = mem_priority;
    returnValue = c2();
  C3: {
    Integer returnValue = -1;
    Integer vision_priority = 10;
    PostCondition C3.command_handle == COMMAND_SUCCESS;
    EndCondition returnValue == 10;
    Resource Name = "vision_system",
      Priority = vision_priority;
    returnValue = c3();